Easy Mortgages

Discover the range of mortgages on offer and find the best fit for you.

Annuity mortgages

Each month, you pay a fixed amount consisting of interest and redemption. At the beginning, the interest is higher than the redemption, at the end the difference is reversed. The tax benefit is higher at the beginning of the term, so the net housing costs gradually increase during the term.

Linear mortgages

With a linear mortgage, you repay the same amount every month for the duration of your mortgage. However, the tax benefit decreases throughout your repayment term. A clear advantage of linear mortgages is that, as time goes on, you pay an increasingly smaller amount of interest.

Interest-only mortgages

With an interest-only mortgage, you only pay interest during the term and the interest may also be tax deductible. Your monthly payments are relatively low, but repayment is required at the end of term and we recommend you put a plan in place so you’re ready to pay in the end.

Ready for the next step?

Get in touch with our team to start the ball rolling and we’ll get back to you with all the information you need.